Monday, June 21, 2010

not worth it

well, recently, a lot of my close friends and people whom i really respect and trust told me to just forget it because it's not worth it, especially when i'm unappreciated and taken for granted. i thought about it and realized...maybe they're right...if so many people told me the same thing, there's some point to it.

i guess it's not worth it if i'm going to end up being in the same position i am now.

not to over rate myself.

i've been wondering why people befriend...

some people find that i'm really 'interesting' and is 'curious' about me i suppose...others, i don't understand.
i'm not exactly the smart type so i can't exactly help...
i'm not an uber rich person who gives everyone Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue for xmas or something (speaking of that...did I mention how the Hugo Boss commercial guys are really hawt xD I love their heavy accented voice~~<3)>:D He will kill me if I break it though. o-o'''

Yeahh...I'm really confused on who is my friend or not now. It's so annoying that I sometimes wish I don't have friends. Someone told me I shouldn't isolate myself though. But I really hate all this drama and stuff that comes along in a package with friendship. I don't think friends need to fight. It brings friends closer, but to some extent.

Anyways, my sister still owes me a birthday present. Maybe I should get her to get me that Dolce & Gabbana perfume :P

I'll blog later I suppose...

(c) the oval portrait - Garih

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