Wednesday, October 30, 2013

eyes sting like crazy

probably from all the crying, thus, i had to wear glasses today!  I haven't worn glasses out in a long time and it did feel comfortable.  Especially at my new job, staring at the computer monitor for about  6 hours, the glasses help reduce the strain I put on my eyes. I probably looked more serious too, haha.

Thanks to mundane, brainless tasks and a expressive conversation with a hippo, I was able to take my mind and heart off some issues.  Almost no tears at all today? Maybe a tear or two, but not full on crying. Hopefully it stays this way.

Can't believe HR NOW conference is tomorrow.  Going to be another long day tomorrow.  My papa bear is coming home and I don't even know if I'll be able to pick him up because I need to go grab some balloon decoration for the conference, head downtown and help set up then attend the conference until time.  Probably home at 10 or so.  Maybe I should go home earlier since I have school the day after and it's econ...

Time for bed, with cuddly Chubchub.

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