Saturday, October 2, 2010

movie morning?

I managed to wake up quite early, noon, on a weekend! Usually, I would try and sleep till 2pm or so, but anyways...since I woke early, I managed to watch a movie! Yay. I miss my movie marathons. Anyways, War of the Worlds was airing! Good ol' Tom Cruise and the young little Dakota Fanning. Now she's all grown up. It's still hard to imagine Tom Cruise is already 48 and Dakota is actually the same age as us. She seems so much more mature now...well, at least much more mature than I am.

I realized this is the first time I actually sat through War of the Worlds. I have seen it before, but never like...together. I actually first saw it in Hong Kong, Pearl TV, on a Sunday. By the time I discovered it, it was almost the end and the other time I saw it, was the beginning. I never really seen the middle, only snip its of it from some other time. So yeah, finally, I have seen the whole movie! As a whole!!

Sadly, I wanted to watch The Mummy Return, but it was airing around the middle of War of the Worlds and I couldn't bear to leave it. Both movies are really well made. I remember being really scared when I first watched The Mummy Return. Scorpions -shivers-. Made me so scared of beetles, Scarab and all that. Shakespeare in Love was also airing on channel 88, but was rated R (for mature content) and at the same time as WoW (haha, not World of Warcraft), so I didn't watch it - probably will another time...when I'm more mature minded.

Overall, I think the movie was really nice. Quite...scary if you think about it. Like, if that actually happened...-shivers-. The music definitely made part of it very tense (the probe searching the basement), but I think the beginning...when the tripod was using vaporizing was quite fake. Like, it's really impossible for Tom Cruise not to die and be so near the people who did...that bothered me. Other than's actually quite realistic, the reactions of people. I like. -evilsmile-

Day 13 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

Dear Person who has hurt me,

You suck. My thigh actually hurts, you demon! Though you won't be reading this, go suffer from my germs...which you brought on to yourself by using the stupid same cup as me (which I have already warned you not to use). -angry- I shall continue to insult you.

The person with the sore thighs.

Day 14 - A picture of you and your family

I will fill this in later on...

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