Tuesday, June 1, 2010

a tuesday that feels like a friday

I absolutely despise Science class. Almost close to hating, but not quite yet. I have no idea what's pulling me back from hating science class...maybe it's because I am quite interested in science in general?
Anyways, Ms. Semi just ticks me off every class, practically. I hate her. I can say that for sure. She obviously doesn't like me very much either and thinks I'm stupid. She totally ignores me...like how last time, I raised my hand for 10 minutes, twice, and she completely ignored it...my hand. And I am certain she saw it. How can you miss a hand stretched out hand that raises above the other students' heads? Especially since I remember around term 2 or so, Tony was stretching and she thought he raised his hand or something. Anyways, I do not like her.

I don't not like Ms. Semi because I'm not doing well in science because I like Ms. Wan. xD I did horrible on the math test (=[) and even when I get a devastating mark on the other math tests/quizzes, Ms. Wan doesn't judge you and treats you the same with the other students. I like her =D. xD

Need to work on my English poem. I seriously don't know how to write it. Writer's block!

I want to watch a movie! I've been saying this for 2 weeks! -sigh-
My sister has gotten her first part-time job and she's working for the first time today! Yay! xD It's not McDonald, some restaraunt called Tri-tea or something nearby Save-On. Yupyup~

I need to go job searching around the summer or I will be bored to death in the summer. Unless...I spend every hour watching movies. I won't mind that!
I still need to watch Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean and Matrix. I want to finish those 3 trilogies for sure. Of course, I still have some romance and some action films to catch up on. Summer movies! So excited.

I think I'll probably end up spending most of my time alone in the theatre. xD I shall prepare myself mentally for watching movies alone...in the theatre. o-o''' Realized I always watch with friends so yeah. xD

Inception (love~ I hope they don't mess it up though...)

3rd trailer (makes more sense of what the film is about)


  1. aha yes! writer's block. grr. I tried waiting for some inspiration or something to kick off some last minute spontaneous poetry, but nothing is helping. :P

  2. same, don't like semi very much...she switched me wayy to the back after first term and she completely ignored me ever since. Not sure if I care though, because I just tune her out most of the time and do the crossword...XD
