Saturday, November 17, 2012

excited for...

the coming new semester.

to be honest, i'm quite surprised with how fast time went by!  can't believe my first university semester is already over.
didn't feel like university at all. probably without seeing the people i use to see every weekday for 5 years just didn't feel right to me.
going in class and sitting with the people i'm more familiar with and seeing the teachers i say 'hi' to in the halls.

i miss that.

now im on a campus that's filled with people. in lecture halls and labs that are bigger and more different than the ones im use to.  sitting anywhere in the room because i don't know any one....

i guess it's time i make changes and try to re-connect with some people.

still surprised by how i'm growing up. to be honest, i really can't imagine how my future will be like. i don't know where i will end up.
it's funny how in the beginning, i use to think i will be at a certain place, working at a certain job and with certain people. now, i don't know any more.
i guess it's because of these uncertainties...i'm really living in the present, not dreaming of the future.

can't wait until my next paycheque.

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