Friday, April 27, 2012

can't believe

how my life is falling apart.

though i promised myself to stop ranting and post happy stuff,
but it's really not working.  motivation to go to school decreases
more and more each day...
don't even feel like studying with all the overwhelming news.

feels like things have been coming on to me like waves,
dropping my hope further and further down, near nothing

never once thought that it was just a few years,
when everything was perfect
and now...everything is all broken apart.

never thought i had to fear every day...
not because of my paranoia or a result of my insomnia
but actually fear for my safety...
fear about what to do in the future
fear about what will come after that

don't know if i could really get through this anymore

1 comment:

  1. hey joyce=) is this about the upcoming ib exams? if it is then I wish you lots of luck!! show em what you've been studying for for the past 2 years. you definitely got this!! :) if it's about something else, then I hope you feel better about it. whatever it is, you'll get through it. I know you will. see you soon <3 (yes I'm coming back permanently!)
