Tuesday, January 31, 2012

we're growing up.

After finishing my university applications, it finally registered to me that we're really growing up.  Just a while ago, it was such a big deal going to high school, getting our lockers and meeting people for other elementary schools, haha. Now, we look back, and realized how it was no big deal.  I'm sure when we look back at how we are now, panicking like crazy about our applications to a point where the UBC site crashes continuously, we would think we are such foolish kids.

So many things have been happening these past few days in the last week.  Many deadlines, not only for application, but also homework and such.  History investigation, math portfolio, art projects, etc. etc..  Feel so much at ease, having to accomplish these things and never having to really see them again, at least for math.  Although I still have TOK essay left and need to revise art and History, most is done!

Main thing is, aside from school, many things have happened.  While I was thinking about what to fill in UBC application, the challenges I had to face and what has changed my perspective, I realized I did really grow a lot.
Just the other day, I went to meet up with my sister and her friends said that I look so different and much older and more mature.  My childish personality made me feel all smug, but to honestly think about it, I have grown a lot.  Maybe it's not that noticeable to the people who are always around me, but I feel that everyone has grown a lot.

Seeing everyone all dressed up in winter formal made me realize we're almost adults.  My first pair of high heels!  My first time putting on such luxurious make up and having a real makeover.  (Boat cruise was done in a rush by my older sister).  Yes, IB was a very tough journey, but I am glad I have taken it.  I'm not saying this as a person who has done very well in IB, but actually, as a struggling student.  The things I have learned in IB, I believe it was worth my time.  Although I may complain about my math portfolio, my history investigation and about waking up 6am in the morning to talk about knowledge, all the skills that I have acquired and all the knowledge I have learned through these experiences are definitely priceless.

Not to sound corny or cliche, but I really think it was worthwhile.  I believe that if I was in the regular classes, I wouldn't have found a reason to really do anything because everything would be too simple.  Also, the transition between university and high school would've been too great for me.  In IB, the skills we learned in history, we will need to use them to write a paper in university!  The world lit's we do for English are basically the greatest preparations we can get for university.  Not only are we having such great advantages over the other people, we are also 'made' to volunteer, making us a more well-rounded student.

Through all these experiences and 'torture' we had to go through, we met different people.  Got to know each other's skills and weaknesses.  Seeing our fellow classmates struggle opens up our kindness and we offer to help.  We are no in cliques, but a group as a whole, helping each other out.  The bonds we created in IB, I believe it's one of those that would last a long time.  Later, in the future, we would be laughing and thinking back: "Remember how worried we were about the predicted's?" or "Haha, the history investigation wasn't too bad...I write them all the time now!" and perhaps even "Wow, TOK in the morning makes philosophy class seem like nothing!"

All these experiences made us a stronger character and I believe it was worth it.  Perhaps the lack of sleep does make me a little cranky and ranty sometimes, but all in all, I still think it's worth it.
For those who are complaining: just suck it up and deal with it.  No point complaining, you had the option to drop in grade 11 and many did.  I'm sure deep inside, you want to stay because you know the benefits.

Anyways, I guess I kind of went off track about IB, but for me, it was a great part of my growing.  Looking back at how I was in grade 11, reading manga and watching anime all the time to the person who tries to balance homework and sleep.   I see a great transition.

Kind of lost my train of thought now that my music changed to a little more rock-ish.  I guess I should head off to bed.  I haven't really gotten much rest and might be getting sick.  Ah, and I should start hunting for my prom dress! Haha.
Good night.


  1. (*: Well, you've certainly seem all grown up :p.
    Reading this was reassuring, so thank you.

    This is amazing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxz33IiRuMU

    never heard singing like that b4 hahah and OMGGG he sounds so different from his singing xDDD

  2. OMG LOL I screwed up. I mean he LOOKS so different from his singing.
