Thursday, December 9, 2010

stuck with

Okay, I am now forever stuck with Hoyce. Thanks Mr. Peters...

For those of you reading my blog and is in my math class: HOW COULD YOU GUYS NOT DEFEND ME T ^ T

Release your inner insults you have been holding in!

Anyways, Mr. Peters is such a funny ol' guy. Haha, delusional.

2 school days left!


  1. lol lol i actually like hoyce, it's like hoolio, funny...i wouldn't mind if i were you. =] you know, it scares me that i don't actually know anything about mr.peters...except his last name. There are like at least three different versions to every fact he claims is true...his name, his farm animals, his granddaughters' existence, his university, his age...creepy. He could a delusional maniac for all I know. At least he marks our tests and gives them back though, LOL.

  2. I am now incapable of saying Julian anymore. It's Hoolio. xP As for hoyce, not that bad...just that I dislike the resemblance with horse & oyster...haha.

    He's one funny man. Let's just say, what I'm saying is the truth (asked teachers). Mrs. Chan says that he does not have grandchildren. Mr. Kwan told me he's a year older than Mr. Fugu. I asked my sister and she said that when Mr. Peters was telling her about his granddaughters...his granddaughters were about their (grad of 2012's) age.

    He's definitely not from Harvard. xD He just loves Harvard. Teachers call him 'Les' and he told us 'LesJake' to cover up the 'Les' that is actually a short form of Leslie or Lester.

    Kwan says he's a very reserved guy. I guess he keeps to himself so he can feed us all these lies and no one can prove him wrong. Very Clever.
