Thursday, August 26, 2010


I feel that sometimes, I think too much or perhaps I'm just way too sensitive about things. =S Well, actually, I never really thought of myself as a sensitive person. I do think too much about a certain thing, over analyzing and all that annoying stuff. Although that may be a good thing for certain situations, I tend to over think for useless stuff. Of course, I never think at school. :D Which is one of the key reasons of my current grades. -evil laughter-

I suppose why I tend to not study or try in school because if I do, and for some reason I don't do well, I will get super disappointed and then start ranting about how unfair life is because I wasted time. If I don't try or work or whatever and I do bad, it's easier to comfort myself by thinking: Well hey, I didn't even try...I'll probably do well if I did!
And of course, if I did do well, I will be all smug and think I'm quite smart. Haha! xP

Anyways, back to the over thinking. I think overthinking about certain things is one of the reasons why I'm starting to lose faith in humanity. Or many it's because I'm reading way too many mangas and watching way too many animes and dramas.
...then again, it could be that I'm right and what I'm thinking is correct.

I feel like I'm BS-ing so I'll stop being my head bursts. D:

I really hate how I'm not able to smooth talk my way out of things when I really need that skill. At times, I can be such a smooth talker and can easily work things out with my mouth, but when I really do need that skill for an emergency...I end up messing up and then...ugly ending.

Just like how when I need to remember definitions for terms or whatever during a test, it in the back of my head, but I just blank out. However, my excellent and awesome memory is clear and bright when I have to talk about anime and list out all the details. Fail, man. My dad claims that it's because I fill my head with anime stuff so that there's no room for other things, maybe, but earlier...when I was talking to someone, I couldn't remember the name for some Gintama characters (Kagura and Shinpachi). -sigh-

I've been entering short entries recently so I decided to blab a long one. Not that I will BS.

Hmmmm...what makes a person interesting?

Because they're smart? Because they're different? Because they have stuff you don't have? Because they're 'in'?

Just been thinking about stuff lately since I can't sleep at night. No, it's not because I refuse to sleep. Seriously, my eyes get SO tired and I would close then and try to drift away to dreamland...but it doesn't work. D: Sucks to be insomniac, no kidding.

I'm still very p'ssed off about how people over-rate themselves and TRY to be smart. Though it's none of my business, just...such eyesores! Bah!
And when I think more about these things, I feel that I'm overthinking and I'm such a horrible person. Then I would think about horrible people and then blah blah blah. I'm droning. Gah!

Ah, great news though, I finished 2 and 1/2 books. ;D Yay to the 2 weeks of happiness~~ and they're thick with tiny words. :D I feel proud. Still a long list to go though. Bleh.
Night night, to those who could sleep. I still haven't made any progress to the 6 weeks of tutor homework...


  1. What makes a person interesting..

    In my opinion, interest is subjective. Interest is quite evident in high school. Look around, people with common interests seem to naturally find each other, and then cling onto one another. Perhaps it provides a sense of comfortability, knowing you will be accepted by those similar to yourself.

    But in today's world, for a person to be deemed interesting they have to be able to captivate a large audience. Generally for that to happen, you need to find someone who isn't your average Joe. Someone who stands out.

    Maybe they are smart, maybe they are different, but they definitely have stuff we don't have. That's why people crowd around 'celebrities'. They are 'in'.

  2. To be 'in' means you're doing something that's 'in' for example, right now...I believe fur is 'in' again. So if everyone wears fur and are 'in'...then isn't it not different anymore? o-o

  3. To me, in just means popular. If fur's popular, then yeah. What way did you mean in your post? :0

  4. totally lost my thought now. D:

    I don't think being interesting is being popular. Isn't it the popular things/people more cliche? :S

  5. Think of it as a majority/minority. Even if you voted for Stéphane Dion, you still have to accept Stephen Harper since he's running the country now.

    Actually, reading over my post, I think somewhere along the way I managed to accidentally stop typing about 'interest', and entered the path of 'over rated'. :d I think it was probably because I tried to add the questions you made for what makes a person interesting.

    Yeah.. definitely. Ignore the last miniparagraph from the first post. xP Sorry about that.

  6. it's fine. these topics are easily to trail off from. all so related in ways and yeah.
    nowadays, things are getting so over-rated. D:
    -cough- twilight -cough-.

    like take music for example, the music back then are so much better than nowadays. the lyrics have meaning and the singers sing their souls out. now, the lyrics are trashy bs about partying or whatever and the singers can barely sing, only the catchy music makes it up for them. =S

  7. ahaha, I liked the vampires suck trailer x). I probably won't see it either, though. I'm thinking it'll end up too much like meet-the-spartans.

    but yes. I wake up in the morning feeling like going back to sleep :|
    the 'modern' music these days is so repetitive. they all sing about: "you". I can see why, since being vague like that lets the listener make their own connections, but there's enough of that stuff out already. If it's not about "you", it's all about ME (the singer) and how (s)he loves their life.

    of course there are exceptions, but finding music you like isn't very easy. the last time I asked a friend for a good song, (s)he linked me to teenage dream @__@

  8. Ahhh~ i want to see vampires sucks, but yeah...prob no in theatres ;D

    haha, teenage dream is okay. just...there's really no depth to the music these days. =S
    trying to go back to the oldies ;D Haha...even the old r&b, hiphop or whatever...has a bit more meaning.

    eminem still good<3 I'm not Afraid

  9. I actually used to think Eminem was a band called M&M, like those candies. I was wondering how I had never heard of this 'Eminem' singer :D
