Saturday, August 21, 2010

been in such an awful mood the past 2 days or something. still mad/grumpy though. :S
really glad to have some peace and quiet/chilled 2 days to myself. i haven't really done anything, but i have finished watching another hk drama and i have finished watching gintama! yay!

but now i don't want to finish gintama D: too epic. again, i have nothing to do...
thank gosh i heard news that there will be another season of gintama because if i have to live in a world without gintama....i don't wana live. D: haha, i have been using that a lot o-o'''

anyways -sigh- will be another chilled day.

tutor homework, tutor homework, why won't you go away?
6 days left till it's due.


  1. I've been in a horrible mood lately as well. I basically spent the last-almost-month isolated from people. Feel like blowing up right now :P

  2. awwww...get out! Seriously.
    I spent practically a whole 2 months at home during our grade 8 summer. Horrible horrible -shudders-

    get out and go jogging, Mr. Tom!

  3. I'm out at least once every other day :( If my legs hurt too much I just stroll around the park, but seeing people around you doesn't matter at all if there isn't any communication going on. You get a stare or two then you get back to your business. It wouldn't matter whether the whole park was packed with people, or completely vacant, it still feels the same

  4. D:
    go and hang out with some friends and stuff. D:
    at least you're getting fresh air! In gr 8...the only fresh air I got was from the window...=S ZOMBIES!!

  5. ahaha, I'll figure something out. thanks, though :)
