Thursday, January 23, 2014

Being a Hermit For a Week in Bed

So, for almost a week, I have been at home dying from a cold that I probably got from my brother.  Runny nose, stuffy nose, sore throat and all that junk that requires me to have a tiny plastic bag next to my bed so I can constantly fill it with disgusting phlegm-covered tissues.  A little tmi, but anyways, thanks to this cold...I was able to catch up on some childhood anime and manga!  Yes, I have actually read a manga and finished this series with 31 volumes plus 26 episodes.  First off, I must point out that the anime and manga are very different.  I watched the anime back in elementary and the manga was only finished last summer in July 2013 I believe.  Before I forget, the anime/manga I am referring to is Gakuen Alice!

The anime is such a happy thing to watch (especially when I was sick in bed and no one wanted me around) with such a light-heart mood. It leans toward the comedic side, aimed for child viewers, while halfway through the actual manga, it takes a more dark and serious turn.  Despite craving for a second season to the anime, I know it's likely not going to be possible due to the drastic difference.  Anyhow, the manga was awesome...I ended up filling that tiny plastic bag with tissues soaked in tears, as well as killing my sleeves and stuff animals by spewing out tears everywhere.  Even now, after a few days, I still get pretty emotional when I think about the events that happened.  It's happy ending though, I guess, that gives you the closure you need (I even ended up reading the Chinese raws to fully get the ending).

Enough anime talk, I also should mention...I am so behind on my readings!  I tried my best to keep up with my online courses and actual course readings, but let's be's hard to focus when you're sick! The materials just won't's surprising how I even manage to read through 2 modules (one extremely long week 3 module) and continue to follow up my goal of doing one module a day for my recently enrollment in a co-op workshop online session.  Essentially, I am taking 4 courses.  Anyways, so much for trying to be ahead of the course...

Discussion assignment going to be due, article analysis due next week and comp sci labs are due (one is tomorrow).  I am so dead...I think I ended up putting off comp sci so much is because of my previous html knowledge...from Neopets.  Time to focus I guess...(despite feeling so lonely and isolated this last week D: no time for freedom)

Back to the bed!

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