[image on the left is Envy]As I have probably mentioned before, I have been OP-ing so I stopped all animes and mangas I've been watching and reading...other than some exceptions. Well, also one other drama (Tam Ching Suut On xD).
I just finished another update of Brotherhood and I am so in love. It's seriously amazing and so overwhelming. I always feel the episodes are just WAY to short, but I'm still very satisfied. Honestly, one episode a week is really killing me. Gah!
Anyways, until I finished to the very last second of the episode and the ED started, I finally took a breath. I didn't realize I haven't been breathing. I was shivering, goosebumps on my arms, and my heart is racing. xD So good and exciting. An amazing anime indeed.
There are many amazing mainstreams out there, but this one is just...I don't know. I do learn a lot from. It connects a little bit of history...though of course, it's fiction so a lot of things are inaccurate. I don't know. Everything in there just seems so realistic!
This is techincally the second season or...the remake of the manga since the first anime completely went a whole different way. I love the first and second. The first, I remember crying like crazy and watching the movie RIGHT after and then crying a whole tissue box. Man, I don't think this anime ever fails to satisfy me.
I actually though Brotherhood would end up being cliche and they save the whole world...blah blah blah. 'Father' has some kind of weakness...his 'children' goes against him or they all die (like the first anime...except for Gluttony) and then blah blah blah. Happy ending. So far, after this episode...I don't feel like it's that. 'Father' just opened the Gates and is trying to engulf the whole truth and...I don't know how to explain. ><''' So good. Claymore is probably the only manga/anime I can think of that's also gutsy enough to kill of one of the main. Man, I was so shocked and my jaw hit the floor (just like right now xD this episode for brotherhood). Cutting of the head of everyone's favorite character...what more can you ask for? xD