Friday, June 4, 2010

valedictory yesterday

4 hours of sitting and 1 hour + of being squished by floods of maroon-colored graduates. It's amazing to see so many people yesterday! Pratically the whole Chan center was filled with graduates, parents and friends. Cameras everywhere. The rose garden was so squishy and I lost my sister! It took me forever to find her since you can't distinguish anyone. =='''

I wore a dress. It was very uncomfortable and so not like me. No one will ever see me like that, other than Michelle, Kayla, Narada, Fizianna, Bruno and Elvis. Oh, and the graduates + their families..not that anyone notice. Annnnddd the people who were at Parker. Haha.

-sigh- Aside from that. I missed half of first block...maybe more. I went to school at 9:15am or so since I decided and bugged my dad to let me stay in. I listened and paid attention throughout the whole Valedictory while someone -cough- Elvis -cough- was gaming or listening to music. I saw someone sleeping as well. xD And yeah. Plus, I was taking photos and chasing my sister around since she was so jumpy and excited to see her friends in maroon gowns...running around with a graduating turtle and a bouqet of pink roses + lavendar or something.

So tired. Mentally and physically tired. It was funny seeing Narada and her family afterwards at Number 9 Restraunt. Also embarassing because I was trying to eat a piece of diced chicken...but my chopstick skills aren't I ended up dropping it and Narada laughed. D:

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