Lately, I am being jealous...crazy jealous!
Most of my friends or just people I know -cough- stalk -cough- are going to Paris! Europe in general!
One of them, I mentioned before, an awesome awesome awesome great great friend...she's going on her trip. -sigh- I received an email from her. She already been to Rome, Pompei and throughout Italy! She's now at Sicily and emailed me there. -sigh- SO lucky -admires-
Where's my trip? D:
Time to continue to dream~ and maybe save up! One things for sure, I'm already looking forward to Global Ed. So hoping I will make it. I would bawl if I me blog like crazy and rant on and on and on. Then I will rot in my room as IB homework flood the whole place. o-o'' A living zombie will be born in result of this. o-o''' zombie, I would like to see that. xDDD
Anyways~ yeah, some of my most admired artists are going to Paris for the convention! I am SOOOOOOOOO jealous~ I totally want to buy some art. There's one artist with awesome awesome coloring, Kaoru-chan, she's selling some of her artbooks. The Secret Garden, I think I have showed you before, it's kind of like Tsubasa Chronicle made into Alice in Wonderland. Even the cover is gorgeous and screams out Alice! Such fairy tale-like feel to it.
The other is just another fanart of TC's Kurogane x Faye stuff and it's just hawt! The art is hawt. Like pure awesome-ness!! I so want it. I wanted to preorder them, but it's just way too expensive..and with the shipping fee and at that moment, I was broke. Since they're in Europe, it counts in Euro, making it more expensive, but I regret not pre-ordering now. Since it's an original, once it's sold out, there will be none. Let me pray she has some leftovers -crosses fingers-
Some other amazing artists will be there and plus, ACCENTED EUROPEAN ANIME LOVERS ;D Muahahahahahahahaha! -evil smirk- Yupyup, ideas ideas ideas.
Cosplayers, I just LOVE taking pictures of cosplayers. Makes me high? Well, kind-ish. It's just AMAZING to see people putting all these efforts. I especially love admiring how alike some cosplayers are and how amazing they look. Their costumes ~ especially the home-made ones. I remember seeing that amazing Victorian dress the winner of a cosplay contest was wearing. She was gorgeous and the dress was just...magnificent! I thought it was store-bought or ordered online until I learned that to join a cosplay contest, your costume can't be premade and stuff. -sigh- Amazed, definitely.
Enough ranting, I shall go sulk and dream about my Europe dream~~ while waiting anxiously for my friend's email reply and watch OP fillers since it's filler-ing. Maybe a movie ;D
Yay to Mr. K for giving his movies~~!! Nayyy for the horror movies that came along...I saw a bit of Saw VI and scarred I am. Scarred for life. LIFE I SAYYY!! Gahh~ I'm high from Green Tea Frappucino Jack bought back for me. DARNNNNN!! o-o'''
Ah~ and Nicole's prom photos are on facebook for you to stalk. SHE WAS LIKE A PRINCEESS~~<33
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