Saturday, March 13, 2010


-sigh- It's going up and down. My fever keeps coming back! I wonder if it will ever go how my internet just died on me the WHOLE DAY yesterday. Well, I got take a nap and spend wonderful quality time with my TV and this morning, I got to watch Kid vs. Kat, Legend of the Seeker (2 episodes!) and what else...? Can't remember, but I watched Sydney White yesterday. I kind of hope to watch Stardust tomorrow. I have been meaning to watch it a long time ago, but never got the chance.

For once, I feel so free! Not that I don't have any homework to do. I still have to finish my Planning, do Science workbook, go over science safety lab rules, work on math bonus, do Vivian's homework, talk about Japanese project, and film my English project tomorrow. Perhaps I should start on my English discussion part? Haha. Anyways, I also have a bunch of unfinished art projects which I SHOULD get started on. Not to mention a pile of 'must-watch' animes and 'must-read' mangas along wtih the 'START WATCHING' movies.

So many things! This spring break, I'm hoping to watch all 3 Lord of the Rings. I still can't believe I never even watched one! Perhaps I should find someone who doesn't mind watching hours and hours of movies with me. Then again, I can always just sit on the couch with a blanket wearing a ROOTS hoodie and a pillow to hug.

Anyways, at the moment, I'm still stuck with a horrible manly voice, horrible chest pains when I cough, some moments of wanting to puke out nothing because I have nothing to puke out, no appetite, come-and-go headaches, and a whole bunch of other things. This sucks. Did I mention how my upper lip is all chapped and ripped so it looks like my both my lips doubled their sizes and I have two sausages as my lips? Perhaps I'm exaggerating, but I feel like if I upper and lower lip will start bleeding. Looking in the mirror, if you can see like...the rips in my lips. Ugh.

I should start checking out what I missed out now. Hmmm...I wonder if Mr. Kwan watched The Crazies yet...or is it tonight?

I called my dad! Haha. I think he's worried...D:
Perhaps he's thinking my fever/cold might actually literally kill me. Jennifer said fevers can kill...can they?
My sister was worried...ish. I don't know. I wonder if she found the letter I wrote her in her bag by now. She should be in Mongolia! Oh, did I mention how she got a $500,000 scholarship? Well, $500,000 or more. I'm not too sure yet. She still has to reply to it and etc. I was quite shocked....when I saw it in the mail. From Reader's Digest.

Anyways...hopefully, I won't die...yet.

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