Throughout the years of living so far, I have met many different type of people so far. Some are kind, some are very...unpleasant, some are inspiring and just amazes me, and others...just troublemakers.
It feels as if society is slowly corrupting people or were we are just born corrupted from the beginning and slowly...some of us began 'uncorrupted'?
There are so many things I can end up talking about because of that question above, but anyways...I should stick with what I started with...about the people I have met.
I have always been super happy, and still am, whenever I meet ultimately kind and generous people. It amazes me because nowadays (maybe it's just me) I don't really meet any...nice people(?) randomly. Like out on the streets, even at school and stuff, it's all about yourself. At school, it's all about who gets the highest mark and whoever does, the rest of the students in the class will all try and get close to the smart person so they're be able to hang with 'smart' people.
The lazy ones would always be with the hard-working students so they can partner up and dump all the work on the hard-working students or the studious one, knowing they won't want to fail so even if they're mad, they'll still do the work in the end. The pretty one sticks to the prettier one, so they can both 'shine' together and they can share clothing, make-up, popularity and all that. The weaker one with the stronger one so the weaker one will seem more stronger and can depend on the stronger guy and learn some stuff.
It's all either benefitting one or both people.
So, about the kind people...
Like how I met the 3 really really nice strangers @ the Marianas Trench concert. Like how I met this really nice lady who let me sit down because I was holding too much. Even when people just say 'thank you' to me when I do something for them.
Hmmm...just being polite is already really nice.
Like nowadays, no one says 'bless you' to me anymore. Of course, there are one or two once in a while, but yeah. =\
I have also met some really stubborn people. People who believe they're always right and they're the best. Like, of course, I like saying: I'm always right -smug-, though I know I'm not. I've been trying to accept other's opinions and try to look on it from their point of view, but it doesn't help when the other person doesn't do the same. Turns on my stubborn mode and make me want to stand my ground, firm. Like how sometimes, people don't listen to my reasoning or just my idea and just think: no, but....blah blah blah.
This is the best. End of story. Nothing can be better. This is the best because I said so. Or because I have it, because I watched it, because I read it. Something like that. It just fustrates me how they can't really accept anything else. Makes me go: whatever, fine.
I'm getting a headache so I should stop typing since I can go on and on about MANY different people. Anyways, coughing chest pains still aren't fix. Gah! And the headache that's coming on doesn't really help anything. D:
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