Friday, March 19, 2010

Nim's Island

I have just finished watching Nim's Island and to be honest, I'm actually very disappointed. Well, I actually expected a better storyline and all that.

Basically, the story is about a girl, Nim, who lives on an island with her dad. She is a big fan of this novel about Alex Rover, written by him, about his adventures and all that. One day, his dad was missing, and so she mailed Alex Rover to come and help her. Turns out, Alex Rover was just a fictional book written by this lady who never left her house and is all parinoid and cowardly. She was worried about Nim being alone on an island and stuff so she decided to go and find her. The island is practically in the middle of nowhere, so that author, Alexandra Rover, has to travel and find Nim's island.

Sounds interesting, right? The problem was, during the middle of the film, it kind of trailed off and when the author actually arrived, it was practically near the end. She barely did anything! I thought it would be about Alexandra arriving and they're actually finding her dad. The story went from her dad's side of the story (what's happening to him), the author's, and mainly what's happening on Nim's island and such.

It was quite a disappointment, the ending...
It could've been a better ending if the story didn't trail off. I'm just disappointed. D: A good thing though, was I thought the scenary was beautiful! Under the water, the island, the landscape and all that. I would want to live Nim's life. It's so wild and fun. They don't live purely on mother nature though, unlike the dude from Into the Wild (which I should watch), so yeah.

Anyways, I would like to visit somewhere like Nim's Island. =D
The movie was disappointing, but some parts are funny and in general, it was quite entertaining. A few part of the movie was filmed very fakely. Just, the idea and the way it was filmed was so obvious it was fake and sometimes, the things that happened was just so ridiculous AND it didn't even fit well.

Enough of my ranting, I will begin watching The Girl With The Pearl Earrings. Or probably maybe Wall-E. Today's math class got my Pixar moment on. xD

Oh, whoever loves movies that are reading this, you HAVE TO HAVE TO watch Pearl Harbour. I will probably rewatch it for the 3rd or 4th time later, but yeah. I absolutely ADORE Pearl Harbour. Man, Hans Zimmer's music is amazing, first of all. The plot is so unfortunate and sad, I won't exactly say cliche, but yeah. And just the fact that I do love historical movie tied with love made me enjoy it. I cried so much~

Anyways, yup.

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