I blog WAY too much. xD
Blogging lets me express myself and share whatever I'm doing with anyone whose reading this blog. I feel like I'm addicted.
Anyways, after this entry, I will be watching Nim's Island. xD
I already microwaves my Pillsbury Dough Boy mini Pizza and guess what, I found GREEN TEA! Arizona Green Tea, to be more exact, with Ginseng and Honey. Anyways, I realized I do love drinking tea actually. Even when I go to starbucks, I order GREEN TEA frappucino. Of course, I do love coffee (coffee candy), mocha frap, ice cappucino, etc. etc. Expresso as well. Anyways, yeah..I'm both tea lover and coffee lover.
Now, the movie begins! The beginning of my Spring Break...(not counting my manga marathon)
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