Sunday, April 4, 2010

blah blah blah

Haha, when I typed my title, Ke$ha's Blah Blah Blah suddenly played in my head.

Anyways, here I am, awake and showered in a Sunday afternoon eating grape jelly. Let my emphasize on the GRAPE JELLY. xD It tastes REALLY good.

I have just totally wasted my 4 days break! Of course, I still have one more and a half (the rest of today), but I don't know what else I can do. -sigh- I did get more sleep though, not that I fixed my internal clock yet. Anyways, yesterday, I went out and that was painful. I sat there from 6-9pm or something. I only ate 2 pieces of lettuce thingy and a piece peking duck? (you know, the one they skin the cooked duck and then you put it on this flour circle thingy and add sauce then wrap it?) so yeah, I had one of those...and it was a REALLY small piece. Then a have a few pieces of another type of lettuce and then yeah. One more thing, but once again, tiny. So then I came home starving.

My sister wanted to walk to safeway or something and get us all something to eat, but then it was windy and raining-ish and so we did not. I ended up eating 2 boxes of the same kind of alfredo lasagna, not that I'm complaining. It's good, but now I have none left. Our house is empty. Garrrr!

I'm eating jell-o now, but I wonder how I will survive later. ==''

Yesteday, I spent my night re-reading for the 4th or 5th time this story. Man, some online authors are just A-MA-ZING! I'll probably share what the stories are about another day. xD

Time to go find something to do...D:

[can't work on Science Fair since NL has the data and everything ==''']

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