Thursday, March 18, 2010

tired tired.

I feel so sore and tired. Once again, we ran out of time and couldn't present our English. Because of the Japanese kids coming over, my group will have to present on April 1st! -sigh- I really don't want to lag this anymore. I don't want to have any more relations to my group members. My Eng group is such a b****! Like honestly. As you know, on WMM, you have to 'publish' it as in compress everything and then viola~ a video! I have published it TRIPLE times because of editing. I spend 2 hours trying multiple times to upload it on youtube, but because it was over 10 minutes, youtube refused it.

Honestly, they're asking so much of me. Since I'm not part of the voice acting, if I don't do the editing..then I'm doing so little and obviously, they can complain and blah blah blah. Like seriously, they're not even RESPECTING my efforts. So fake. Fake as sh*t. I can't believe anyone could be so...blah! Especially how they push me to do all these things even though I had a fever and my SS project. Like seriously, why do we have to push everything onto MY busy days just because the two of them can't do it on the other days? Yeah, they're SO much more important than me. I kind of exploded on them at Loonie Town about that.

You know, I don't feel bad AT ALL for showing my temper to them. Like, they think I'm just SO free and have no life. They stayed at my house from 2:30-8:00 or 8:30. They wanted to stay longer, but thank God the camera ran out of batteries. Like we are filming in the LIVING ROOM. My FAMILY can't even eat DINNER because of them!, I didn't eat breakfast, lunch or dinner that day because of all that. They don't even CARE.

Such perfectionists. Aside from that, we're doing this explanation thing and each of us have themes we're doing. Just because the 2 of them wrote ESSAYS on their themes to memorize, doesn't mean I HAVE to! Like, everyone have their own way of doing things right? I, for one, can't memorize an essay. I prefer notes to guide myself and just going with the flow. That always work out for me, so why do they keep NAGGING me. Just because they don't want to do a theme or don't know what to do, they talk to me. Like obviously, they want to change themes with me, but H*LL NO! I'm SO not putting up with changing my themes with them JUST because THEY don't want to do it.

Like, one of the group members, from the beginning, said she'll make the stage. I'm doing the script and the other person is making the puppets. Like, after making the puppets, though I didn't start the script, the stage-maker kept nagging me to finish the script. When I said, I can't finish it by _____ and it's not like the puppets are done and it's not like we NEED it at this very moment, the two started ganging up on me. She's like: Oh, then I'll do the script and you could do the stage. She practically kept repeating that she wanted to do the script and I will do the stage. When I exploded, I'm like: But I DON'T want to do the stage. Like seriously, why are you forcing me to do the stuff you don't want to do?

They completely annoy the H*LL out of me. I don't cuss, and they make me want to cuss and just ditch everything. They're just perfectionists, but no offense...I don't like their way of working and I don't think it's that good. Either way, after today's video...they think it's AMAZING and SKILLED and want to EDIT AGAIN. Since they probably know I'm p'ssed, now they want the stage maker to edit since I wasn't willing to put subs on. Gosh, I did try to look, it's not like I didn't try, but they're like: Oh, blah blah blah..I can do it, blah blah blah. Yeah, and then say YOU edited and take credits after my LONG hours, all they need to do is two little lines and she's an editor! Just like what she did with my SCRIPT. My 9 page script I spent HOURS AND HOURS on, rereading the book 3 times and every detail is in it. I hate seriously.


Aside from that, life is good. ALMOST SPRING BREAK!

Now, I need to go get Sony Vegas to edit the video better. PLUS, they want me to burn a copy for them to see. Obviously, they don't trust me and want to change it. I'm SO not giving them it. I will just get the published one then and unless they want to kill themselves editing a PUBLISHED copy, scr*w them!

[Wow, I'm so]

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