Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Great news!

I get to buy 2 CDs. I guess if I have the Nana best one, I don't mind not getting both Anna insp' Nana and Olivia insp' Reira. Of course, my goal is still to get Olivia's Sailing Free and A Little Pain, but it's alright. =)

Probably in the future, I will get all of them. I really like the cover of the Nana and Reira CD. It's so cool how the picture is inside the font. I know it's simple and you can easily do that on WMM, but still! xD

One black, one white - isn't that cool? Nana from BLACK STONES (BLAST) and Reira from TRAPNEST. I actually really like Reira, the name. I think it could also be spelled as Layla. -sigh- so pretty. Anyways, as a collector, I do wish to own those two albums since I do love all the songs. Of course, I kind of like Reira's more. Maybe it's because I love Olivia's voice? She fit so well, the character of Reira which is why I didn't like how Yuna Ito played that role instead. Yuna is pretty, but I guess...=\ Yeah. Just wasn't satisfied.

So many CDs I want. I will definitely be broke in the future. Watch my house/room fill up!

Anyways...I GET TO BUY UVERworld's AwakEVE and Nana Best!! W00T!! xDDD


I was just feeling a little down. Well, I don't get why everyone is trying so hard? People seem to be overworking themselves so much. I think the only time I work the hardest is when I try to rush projects last minute or just do last minute homework in general. Makes me feel so bad that people are trying and I'm not even trying...not doing anything to my best ability.

'Why don't you try then?' --You may wonder, but I actually don't see a purpose in me trying. Like, I try hard, get into a good university, get a good job, earn lots of money...then what? I have no goal and I feel so...lost? I'm just frolicking around while everyone seems to be running towards their goals, their future. I think this is a reason why I can't ever seem to see my own future. =\

My undecisiveness (haha!) is definitely one of the worst quality I have. It's good because I'm more flexible, but then when it comes to needing an answer from me, it really really doesn't help. Two indecisive people together never works out, by the way. Anyways, yeah. This is a moment where I wish my dad is more strict and gives me a goal. Like, wants me to be something because when he wants me to be like, let's say...a police, I will then want to have the freedom to be an architecture? We want what we don't have. At the moment, I have freedom, but I want to be caged. Sounds quite silly, but it's true.

I wish I can decide what I want to do so I can start running towards my goal and perhaps start working...actually working.

Either way, I doubt I will work THAT extreme though. So contradicting, but I'm kind of glad I'm not. I feel like, if I start diving into work, I won't be able to enjoy what I'm enjoying. I don't know. I actually really don't see the purpose in trying so hard. I'm not exactly that happy with my grades of course since I know I can do better, haha. They're very average...3 B's. Perhaps, to those perfectionists out there with straight A's, my 3 B's are the end of the world. But hey, they're high B's =D haha!

So...why did someone who don't see the point of trying and don't have a goal in life and wants to be free (run-on sentence for sure) join IB? Well, I think what's attracting me is the TOK class. I really want to see what we learn in that class. Perhaps it might interest me. ;D
Plus, I want to be able to brag to everyone and say: I'M AN IB STUDENT. -smug-
Most important of all, I joined IB to prove to my sister and dad that I can watch all the anime I want while doing okay/well in IB. =) Let's see how I do...

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