Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Good Things The Happen

Trying to blog more.  More about good things that happen!

So this semester, aside from that amazing A+ on my midterm that I got (and will totally frame) and broadcasted to the world + spammed on Snapchat, there are a few other things.
If you don't know, I have made a new girl friend! -cheers- and getting closer to a team mate as well; went shopping with her last weekend!

For today, I actually have a feeling I am getting sick...had headache and all that (which sucks 'cause I just heard from others that they are getting sick and I was trying my best to dress layers upon layers to prevent it), thus, I missed my tutorial.  Missed the first class ever this semester! Yes, I have been maintaining a perfect attendance...
Well, I made it to my second tutorial of the day (now, sitting in my lecture) which I thought I will miss and this brings us to something awesome today...

On the skytrain heading downtown to Waterfront station, a kind old woman offered her seat to another elderly man which prompted me (who was way to occupied doing SEY stuff on my cellphone, sorting out some issues that came up this morning.  That resulted me to delay my shower and morning routine so I was late to board the train) to offer my seat.  He kindly declined and preferred to stand instead so I sat down again.

The lady, after a stop or two, started talking to me.  I found out she's actually from Moscow and she was super friendly.  We talked about Canada, Moscow and people, briefly.  I would have loved to talk to her more, but I had to get off and turned out...she missed her stop at Broadway City Hall.  She was going for a walk! :)

Anyways, that conversation made my day; it was so lovely to meet her. Love these fate meetings!

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