Today is the long day of the week in my schedule where I have class at Surrey campus at noon and another class in the evening at Burnaby campus. I also had a meeting for Co-op advising prior to my math diagnostic test...where I was delivered some semi bad news about how I have over credits and is running on a tight schedule to do Co-op. Coming up to the mountain for my evening class, I have a heavy backpack with my laptop and two thick textbooks for sale. I came half an hour early and awkwardly waited for 30 minutes randomly and finally sold the my textbook. I guess from that point on it was better...not I have a lighter load to carry, a lot of cash in my wallet (over $150 with a $90 cheque in my bag), and one more class to go. Probably will buy my textbook later when I finish my anime episode...and also grab food. One thing that truly made me feel good happened 5-10 minutes ago, where I am sitting in the study carol I am in at the moment..and a deaf person came by every carol along the library and handing out this folded paper that display some sign language. It asks from $1.00 to $5.00. I decided I'll donate $5.00 and when he came by my carol, I noticed how nobody did (since he ended up collecting the little sheet of paper again) so when he saw that I was donated $5, he was really happy and thankful. He thanked me in sign and I guess that made me really happy :) then he noticed I was watching anime and chuckled.
Anyways, I guess that made my day. I also paid for my Co-op fee so I will be down for doing Co-op...and I guess I'll figure the rest of the stuff out! Friday to decide whether I want to drop Math or not...!
Oh and I need to get food.
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