Saturday, February 16, 2013

changing changes

change happens between two people when both changes...
if one evolve while the other doesn't,
nothing happens. but more demons.
if both changes,
then the two will evolve together.

if one moves forward while the other is reluctant
its the same. demons.
if both agree to move forward, but one one does...

change in a person is effective after time.
taking the first step is always hard,
especially for me.
but i'm trying now...trying this time...
for them.
is it truly acknowledged and appreciated?

wow, my hands are so veiny...

it's time to re-evaluate the situation.
think of a different approach.
for both to think of a different way.
for the tries to matter.
i need to stop holding on to the past some times...

so tired, but i gotta do my readings. 2:09AM...just like old times.

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