finally, i am 18!
well, being born in hong kong, it was technically the 16th...which is why i ended up going out yesterday as well and received one of the most awesome gifts yesterday! :)
a pandora bracelet from my wonderful boyfriend who went shoe hunting with me all day, jean searching and blazer finding.
i just felt so lucky!
another exciting movie date coming up in a few hours and so i am totally looking forward to that.
just like last year,
i ended up receiving another overwhelming gift from my sister...
really can't believe it yet and don't know how to properly react to it.
a pair of ray ban glasses which is way too much for me to afford with my minimum wage and lazy don't-want-to-move-and-go-to-a-store-to-find-sunglasses-so-i-can-see-without-the-sun-blinding-me attitude. also, an awesome and oh-my-glob so wonderful LSP plushie.
LSP = Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time! More like...the best princess oh my glob. She's so lumpin' awesome!
still can't believe i'm 18...
should post more soon!
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