Wednesday, November 14, 2012

so out of it

so out of it today.  not sure if it's the all nighter i've been having, but i think my wavy personality finally took an effect.
i am lost.

i know it's still too early to know what i want to do. what i need to do.

that's what every says, but i need motivation.
i need something to get me working..and not being the wishy-washy self i am right now.

what is my passion?

anyways, i think i'm really getting use to my job.  considered working three time a week, but not sure how that will go to be honest. i'm worried when i do do three times a week, i can't handle it.

although my depressing phase has gone by,
today, a wave of depression hit me. and after a visit, i realized i'm still sifting through friends. whose there and who isn't.
to me, as i have mentioned in my post way back, talking to me every day isn't the key ingredient to being a best friend.  just know some one has my back means so much more to me.
knowing that when my mind is blank, and i'm being stupid, a name would pop into my head and i will know who i can turn towards.

anyways, time to get to math.
so there will be some prison break time.

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