Sunday, September 23, 2012

the face of a sumo wrestler :(

face is still swollen, but really should get homework done! even if i'm not going to my only class, math, tomorrow...i need to get my projects done!

i technically have been skipping my one hour math lectures as my math 100 class is basically a repeat of the last two years in IB math. doing all the homework assignments and readings, just not commuting back and forth to surrey and from in order to sit for a 50 minute lecture that isn't as long as my commuting time itself!

not the best excuse, but i think i should do homework.

hopefully i can start my math homework today though...and not rush it wednesday night along with my 102 and 100 projects...

decided to get my butt off my bed and outta the house so i won't be tempted to continue my antm cycles watching...thinking about week instead of math and photography and logo designs!
a list of what i need to do:
1. need to finish my 102 readings to do my 102 quiz by 7pm tonight!
2. begin my math assignment
3. do my 100 readings
4. finish my 102 assignment/readings
5. start my 102 branding book
6. make my 102 logo before starting my branding book
7. do pre lab for 106 and catch up on readings/lecture i missed - 106 homework! ***
8. finish my 100 project
9. finish printing all my deliverables for 102 project
10. catch up on all readings, argh!!

sigh, i should get my to-do list priority straight.  definitely starting with 102 quiz/readings first since my deadline is in three hours! starving to death, but must get through this!!
then will look at math and get a start and finish my 106 homework and pre-lab. you got this, joyce, you got this!

think i will rant about being lost another day...for now, i just need to focus. get in the zone and not think about my stitches exploding my gums and bleeding every where from infection. dang, i'm gross.
btw, andy, your matcha latte is okay. i think mine is better.

i should photograph my lattes... anywyas, FOCUS - you sumo-faced slacking poop! :O

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