Monday, August 22, 2011


Rest day tomorrow! Was actually planning to make my rest day Tuesday, but since my sis is tired (she didn't have her 2 day break for this week) so I might as well go with her. Makes things easier.
Since it's rest day tomorrow, that means the plan to eat Teppanyaki is now moved to tomorrow. So excited.

Speaking of slightly unexpected potato gratin makes me want to remake it again. Need to perfect it (look-wise) since supposedly, the taste is not bad at all. Guess because of my dish size, it looks more runny...
planning on using the extra cream sauce for some pasta for lunch! Going to be tasty.

Although it's 5am in the morning, I just had some soba. And yes, that, I have mastered for sure. I really need to go shopping. Need a new sifter, need to buy some molds, and certain ingredients like dashi stock and such.
Still considering if I should make croquettes or not...the deep frying is really making me hesitant.
Any who, I feel like my constant update of my cooking on my facebook status is annoying people. Is it? I know not everyone wants to know what I'm doing/making so yeah...
guess I should control it a bit.

One more episode of How I Met Your Mother and off to bed!
-sigh- I smell marijuana ... wonder which house is partying? Why do I keep smelling this! I seriously doubt this many skunks roam around at night...and there goes another car speeding.

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