Thursday, July 14, 2011

if you know me...

for those of you who know me and has heard me rant (or something), you probably already know that i love cards.

i think what i love receiving the most on my birthday is cards! and during christmas as well. since my birthday is near christmas, and since there's winter break, my new year & christmas & birthday cards are normally merged together.
anyways, yeah, i love getting cards! love reading them too-- i kind of collect the cards i receive. well, at least i try to...since i did lose some cards during some of my movings.

i think i started really paying attention to them when i was in gr 5! have two piles at the moment and yeah. was just going through them earlier as i was unpacking one of my suitcases downstairs (found some grade 5 valentine's day cards!).

anyways, just thought i wanted to blog about that. i love going over the cards during some spare time. a lot of us has changed :)

1 comment:

    i mean, in a good way :p
    i like collecting cards as well

    i watched blood c and eureka 7 [first eps.]
    feels proud.
