Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rejuvenated !

Took a nap, did some math, consulted, decided...

TOTALLY rejuvenated!

I guess I have somewhat an idea of what to do now. All that's left is for things to fall into their places and I will go with the flow, go where ever life takes me. Wow, sounds quite cliche. :S

I feel so at ease now and more relaxed. I can definitely sleep better without waking up in the middle of the night, worrying and fretting about how I can't decided (which happened for 2 nights in a row...). Definitely much more least I feel happier. Less grumpy, not to mention. I was so tired when I came home (early ;D) and I could barely stand just staying up for another hour or however long it takes to do math...even to read manga! Which is why I took a nap and yeah. Woke up, finished my math (which was shockingly really easy), and called my dad to talk.

Now, all that's left is to eat something since I'm very darn hungry.

One problem down, time to fix the whole bunch piled in the corner...collecting dusts and rotting into some sort of weird disasters.

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