Not good! But I've been following this guy, Voldemort_7, or something like that and he's HILARIOUS!! Some of the stuff he says. Like, he insults Lindsay Lohan, Justin Bieber and all that. I find practically anything is funny, so I don't know if his humor is fit for all.
I think that's kind of like Mr. Peters, his humor is unique and yeah, don't think everyone will find it funny. For once, my sister and I laugh at the same things...and she has absolutely no sense of humor and she gets the joke a bit slower, then laughs at it for 5 minute straight. Ugh, not fun telling jokes to her.
Mr. Peters with his straight and serious face while telling us ridiculous stuff. Haha.
Anyways, aside from 'funny', I just woke up! I know it's 8 am-ish, but I supposedly took a nap around 6pm or something and slept non-stop till now. So technically, it's not a nap anymore. -sigh- Now I'm being distracted although I should start my tutor homework!!
I love art. I just have to mention that...again.
We're going to be starting on our first project! It's an autobiographical piece and I'm still trying to get more ideas on what I should do. I flipped through the IB Art Book (which are outstanding works done by students and were sent to the...somewhere...and printed into this book) and they are AMAZING!! If you get a chance, you should really look at some of the stuff in there. It's so creative, unique and so deep!!
Anyways, I shall start working or read some MLIA for a bit. Haha.
(c) Heaven on Earth - Megson
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