Wednesday, September 22, 2010


A habit that you wish you didn’t have.

It's not 'a habit' I wish I didn't have, it's 'habits' I wish I didn't have. Honestly, I have plenty of disgusting habits (haha!) which I totally despise, though I can't change.

1. I bite my nails - since I was little, I already started...I really hate that because I want pretty nails. D: I tried stopping, but I unconsciously sta
rt biting my nails while I'm watching anime or movies and something like that.

2. I bite my lips too much. They're chapped and I always tend to bite it...gross, yesh, I know.

3. I pick my fingers and thumb is sore right now.

4. I fidget, draw, do sudoku or crosswords while listening. I can only concentrate that way. I have to listen to music in order to draw and do homework as well. It's just the way I work. Not exactly convenient, especially since teachers don't really allow ipods and all that.

5. I over think things. Not good.

6. Procrastinate too much. That says it all.

7. I absolutely can't handle pressure at all. My anger will rise when I get nagged, bugged, or just yeah. I don't like people pushing things onto me last minute or just...having things go wrong last minute. I need to work at ease with no pressure, that's when I work best and happy. If I'm under pressure, I usually end up feeling angry, stressed, depressed, worried, anxious and then start getting a headache and usually, end up with a cold or a fever. It just happens.

8. I eat too much candy. Cavities. Ugh.

9. Usually, I just assume people should knows things about me and should understand. I suppose that's a bad quality since not everyone pays attention to the little details of me. Haha.

10. I notice the little details. Makes me extra sensitive to everything which results to my over-thinking and causes problems. That's why I complain so much.

I just listed like...10 habits. Of course, there are more.

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