Wednesday, August 11, 2010

really need to do something

Oh gawsh, I really need to go out and do something!
Spent 3 days, I think, at home chasing OP the anime and now I have just finished catching up to the manga.

I cried like a loser for 2 episodes straight, and then cried last night/this morning throughout 5 chapters (about 50 something pages) and then stopped and was amazed by the awesomness...then cried again at the flashbacks. -sigh- SO good. Well, then again, I am quite emotional and I cry quite easily. The first time my sister heard me crying, she thought I was hurt and turns out, it was because of something I saw/read...and now, she's just like =='' meh.

Still, it takes some awesome genius authors/mangakas to be able to create something REALLY good that will make me cry, laugh, admire all at once. :D

Here's a REALLY well made trailer of the recent episodes I have been watching. I've been obsessed with this youtuber today, watching his/her videos. They're REALLY well made :D -admires- Yay for Sony Vegas 8 xP So realistic<3


  1. I really like editing videos, but I never have anything to edit, and without any practice I'll never be very good at it d:

  2. ah, same same. I use to just take different parts of MV and create a story and stuff. You should try that? MVs are easy to dl and takes up less space and time than movies.
    I tried movies, but they take too long to go through =S

  3. I never make the stories. :) In all the projects I've done with videos (japanese, english, others..), my group member(s) made the story while my job was to try and make it happen.

  4. you should try. Just make up something simple, quite easy. DOn't have to be complicated. Or just make a trailer for a movie or something. =S

  5. Alright.

    Care to suggest a movie? ;)

  6. don't have one in mind o-o'''
    haha. sorryz.
