Officially free. Even when school was over, I was miserable during that one week break between provincials and summer school. I was dreading to go to class. -sigh- Finally, I am free. Yay~!!
This is the first time I only have 1 month summer break. Every year, I would always have a full 2 month ish 3 month break in Hong Kong. I feel so adapted there, it's as if I have lived there all the time. Of course, I still can't get use to bussing or taking the MTR alone. =S I feel so unsafe and insecure there.
Ah~ Hong Kong. I miss going to Hong Kong. Any kind of food you want, it's there. Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Western, etc. etc.. I'm sure if you put in effort to find it, there will be Mexican. xD
The best part about Hong Kong is messing with people! -evil laughter- Because I look like I'm from Hong Kong anyways, aside from the way I dress, people expect that I speak Cantonese, but then I end up speaking English and they start freaking out. So mean, I know, but you just can't help it! Of course, sometimes, it's because I actually don't know and like, naturally, when I do order or talk, it's in English. I don't notice how white-washed I really am until I go back to China nd Hong Kong. It's so weird.
Can't keep up.
Anyways, FREE FREE FREE~~ -jumps for joy-
I can watch movies, read, go swimming, go to the beach and do whatever I want.
Time to finish my One Piece. I'm currently on episode 383. Impressed, right? Just about 100 more episodes to go. I think it's about 80 more episodes to go actually. Anyhow, FAREWELLZ~~
This is the first time I only have 1 month summer break. Every year, I would always have a full 2 month ish 3 month break in Hong Kong. I feel so adapted there, it's as if I have lived there all the time. Of course, I still can't get use to bussing or taking the MTR alone. =S I feel so unsafe and insecure there.
Ah~ Hong Kong. I miss going to Hong Kong. Any kind of food you want, it's there. Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Western, etc. etc.. I'm sure if you put in effort to find it, there will be Mexican. xD
The best part about Hong Kong is messing with people! -evil laughter- Because I look like I'm from Hong Kong anyways, aside from the way I dress, people expect that I speak Cantonese, but then I end up speaking English and they start freaking out. So mean, I know, but you just can't help it! Of course, sometimes, it's because I actually don't know and like, naturally, when I do order or talk, it's in English. I don't notice how white-washed I really am until I go back to China nd Hong Kong. It's so weird.
Can't keep up.
Anyways, FREE FREE FREE~~ -jumps for joy-
I can watch movies, read, go swimming, go to the beach and do whatever I want.
Time to finish my One Piece. I'm currently on episode 383. Impressed, right? Just about 100 more episodes to go. I think it's about 80 more episodes to go actually. Anyhow, FAREWELLZ~~
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