Thursday, May 20, 2010

today is another kind of day...i think

I rewatched The Presitge! I'm still in excited. I'm still enchanted. I'm still in love! I also rewatched half of Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. xD He's just so adorable~ REMOTE CONTROL TELEVISION!!

1. The Plegdge
2. The Turn
3. The Prestige

Twisted. Clever. Eerie. Scandalous. xD Time for me to read the book. =D

By the way, PYL, I'm not exactly stalking you...actually...since you don't even blog much =='''. Haha. Of course, if you ignore the fact that I watch you from my room with a pair of binoculars...then we're like regular friends! =)


Even though I say I stalk people...I realize...I actually don't, shockingly. -gasp- I tend to just stalk arts, music and general. I LOVE it when I find something amazing, then I go view the artist and then discover even more amazing things. When that happens, I always feel blissful. xD Haha. That's why my deviantart has so many favorites. I favorite more than I upload.

...Melody and Emma makes me want to work with clay D:
Ever since last year's cup I made of 'The Scream', I never touched clay...T ^ T What a tragic...

I actually 'like' school today, which is weird. Seems to pass by so fast, probably because I have the long weekend to look forward to. I also don't have homework either. Socials will be easy as pie, because I already know what to right. I will spend some time to think about the poem I will write and as for science, I can do that easily since it's just vocab (the sub's voice is SOOOOO boring! Science sucked) and math...I will study/review some stuff.

Since math was so quiet, I ended up eavesdropping xP woops.

I noticed it's really weird how people are so obsessed with Korean stuff. Not that Korean things aren't good, since I was obssessed with them once (keyword: was). It's Korean moment is over and I just feel that it's a little over-rating. It's also weird to see guys go 'fangrl'-y over korean girls.

They're offence.

I really don't like how Korean celebrities had plastic surgery. Of course, there are always those rare pure beauties that everyone is jealous of...but I just think celebrities having plastic surgery is wrong. Especially when they have so many fans, they shouldn't. They have such powerful influences over younger kids and just society itself. It makes it seem as if plastic surgery is okay. It is okay when it's because of accidents and something needs to be fixed, but I just think that celebrities doing it for beauty is saying they aren't beautiful.
Everyone is beautiful.

We are all different and unique. Why do plastic surgery and change your face? It's like an insult to yourself, saying you're ugly, and it's not natural...=='' Especially now, when the whole Eurasian plastic surgeries are popular.

What bugs me the most isn't the surgery itself, but the people who had surgery and claims they're naturally born that way. It's ticks me off and just...bothers me a lot that they're claiming they're who they're not, posing as someone else and just abandoning their true self for another idenity, just to please everyone (appearance-wise).

I want a tattoo.

Lemony Snicket's Count Olaf's ankle eye tattoo is so cool! So
eerie and twisted. xP Tempting me, but the pain that comes with it is definitely a turn away.

I shall continue to think of a nice tattoo idea, I'm sure if I do find the perfect one, I will probably get one. Of course, who knows what I'll think of this 10 years from now? Doubt a lady with 5000 cats would want a tattoo D:

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