I really need something to do. Anime and manga just isn't 'fascinating' to me anymore. The news ones are getting very old and boring. No new amazing plot lines that are worth getting excited over. I even finished chasing all the mainstream MANGAS - which are like...500+ chapters. So bored.
I have a new obsession though. Not telling what.
The calmness I have been experiencing is quite nice. Like right now, typing up a blog entry, drinking tea and listening to the birds chirp outside. During the summer is when I love my room the most. It's blue and it's cool! I was just in my sister's room, helping her look at prom dresses, until I couldn't stand the heat anymore. =='''
I'm almost finished reading a book...in one day. I hope I will finish today to make it 1 =D I feel like my reading mode might be back. I really need to finish Wayfarer Redemption. It's been nearly a year and the book still sits there. I've only read the prologue and 2 chapters. I had to reread them because I got distracted by other books and my memory of what happened is fuzzy. A million pieces is on hold again when I was reading the online story below this entry. I really have to stop reading multiple books at once...and increasing my list.
i will wait:
same here, just "out of it" for no reason...=(