Wednesday, April 21, 2010


This morning, I came late because I was actually not feeling well. Perhaps my sister's cold kind of catched on to, yesterday's windy rain weather didn't really help much either. So therefore, this morning, I overslept and ignored my alarm and that came with a headache as well. My head was pounding like crazy. I'm so scared I'll be sick again because it takes me forever to get completely well. Colds tend to linger for a week or two until it completely goes.

Anyhow. Science fair! It was very VERY squishy. Mr. Kwan was very nice to evaluate a lot of groups...even though he had a game. I had to remind him to leave because it was 3:20 and his game was 3:30! He had to get there and change. I feel bad because I kind of asked him to go help my group evaluate and in the end, we had another teacher, Ms. McDicken-Jones, instead and he was also dragged around by other group members since he's an easy marker -cough- he doesn't even mark! -cough-. Anyways, now that science fair is out of the more worries...I hope.

love the silhouette. xD
I also love 'Lost Things' that stop motion video which was so cute! And amazing~ if I ever have the time, patience and props and all that, I will totally attempt to create my own. Anyways, for now...I can keep on dreaming~

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