I have recently been very obsessed with horoscopes. My sister also won this zodiac book from myjellybean and I love reading it-ish. I notice some people don't really seem to apply to their horoscope, perhaps it's because I don't know them well enough?
I, for one, am quite like my horoscope actually. Except, I'm not THAT adventurous and all that. Well, I could be if I have the money ;D and the time. I really want to quit school. Still trying to persuade my dad about that. I don't get why people think I'm joking around when I say I want to be an assassin, mafia boss or professional gambler. I think I'm very capable of those jobs o-o.
Haha. I think if I actually become one of those careers, I will probably have one of the most adventurous and unique life and I will never be bored. I do want to be a doctor because I can help people, I want to be a lawyer because I love to argue...haha...AND I want to bring justice (maybe). If I did succeed one of those dreams, I think I will be busy throughout my whole entire life and I won't be able to have anytime for myself to travel and all that. =\ You already have to study for years in medical school, and I HATE studying, so I have no idea how I will achieve that dream. Lawyer, you can only take that Law exam 2-3 times only and if you fail, then it's all over.
Like, all that pressure...I don't think I can handle it. It's funny how I don't mind having my life in danger, but I can't really stand staying in school and killing my brain. Not that I don't like using my brain, just I prefer a more exciting life. Running away forever, that's so fun! Being an assassin, you will have multiple identities, isn't that just like having multiple lives at once? You also get to travel~ Travel D: I want to be a pilot before, but my eyesight sucks and when I realized I needed to be good at physics, I instantly gave up. Same for game designing and all that. Film director definitely drawn my attention since I actually do want to put my visions/dreams/nightmares onto the big screen, but I guess I don't have the right connections...haha. Astronaut. I remember the time when I loved space so much, I still do, and being an astronaut was my goal...until I realized the different gravity will affect you and your teeth will fall out quickly. That scared me and I backed out.
I went off topic, and I type so much. I shall put another entry just to look like I didn't xD. Joking!
I was looking at Friendship compatibility between horoscopes:
Sagittarius and Aquarius: Very few friendships are as satisfying as the one you share with Aquarius. This sign is sociable, adventurous and philosophical. Both of you adore meeting new people, exploring unfamiliar territory and discussing the meaning of life. Jealousy doesn't enter into this relationship, either. You admire the Water-bearer's mastery of quantum physics, while your pal is impressed by your flawless French. Granted, this pal's stubborn behavior can make you crazy -- you can't understand their insistence on wearing their lucky mittens in the middle of summer, no matter how hard you try. Similarly, Aquarius has a hard time with your fickle tastes. Still, it's easy to ignore each other's shortcomings when you have so many common interests. Badminton, basketball and charity work can bring you both pleasure.
Sagittarius and Taurus: You're able to make friends with virtually anyone, Sagittarius, but being pals with Taurus can be something of a challenge. The two of you have very different needs and wants. For instance, you want to explore the world, while the Bull wants to stick to familiar places. You couldn't care less about material goods, while Taurus is passionate about their possessions. You're extremely flexible, whereas your pal is notoriously stubborn. Is there anything you have in common? Yes: a love of the outdoors. Meeting in lush meadows, snowy parks, or blooming gardens makes all of your differences melt into thin air. Nobody enjoys a picnic more than you two. The two of you might also enjoy playing darts and watching funny movies together.
Sagittarius and Sagittarius: Teaming up with a fellow Sag is an utter delight. It's such a relief to know someone who shares your love of adventure. You won't hear any dire warnings about terrorism from an Archer when you book your flight to the Middle East. In fact, you're more likely to get someone with whom to share the hotel fare once you reveal your travel plans to this pal. The two of you are also suckers for animals and won't mind a bit camping out on the other's fur-covered sofa. (You probably spend a lot of evenings over at each other's houses, mostly because you end up talking into the wee hours whenever you get together.) And while it's true that neither one of you likes to apologize, you'll probably be able to mend your quarrels by exchanging goofy grins. Naturally, you share lots of interests, like horseback riding, camping and politics.
Sagittarius and Leo: You and Leo are apt to form a mutual admiration society within moments of meeting each other. You adore the Lion's warm generosity, while this sign delights in your sunny attitude. Both of you brim with energy and probably have a mutual passion for sports. Travel is yet another bond between you. Are there any pitfalls to this friendship? A few. Sagittarius is terribly impractical, which doesn't sit well with your common-sense ways. On the other hand, you're extremely possessive, which rubs the free-wheeling Archer the wrong way. If you can accept the fact that Sagittarius will rarely remember their wallet, your pal will try to include you in all their activities. You two can have lots of fun dancing at nightclubs, acting in plays and journeying to exotic lands.
Oh, that totally just increased the length on my entry! Haha, anyways, I will probably blog later about some magnificent people I stalked on Deviantart. xD Time to look for an Aquarius friend to admire o-o.
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