Precious, based on the novel, Push, by Sapphire, is a book about a young, obese girl whose pregnant with her second child. She lives in a horrible home with her mother who constantly abuses her, mentally and physically. She was raped by her mother's boyfriend whose also her father and already had a first child with him.
I'm sure you guys have heard of this movie since it has been nominated in the Academy Awards. When I was watching this movie, I was so disgusted and I was crying so much. It's just so depressing and horrifying to watch her life. No one could help her, no one understood. Especially when back in those days, there was still a difference between African-Americans and Caucasians. When Precious sees herself in the mirror, she sees a thin, blond Caucasian girl. When her father rapes her, she imagines herself as a famous celebrity, filming a music video, in order to leave 'reality' and escape into her fantasy world. It's just so sad.
No matter how hard she tries, her mom constantly scream at her, calling her fat, calling her stupid and telling her how she can't ever learn. There was SO much swearing in the movie, I was horrified by the way they live. The way they speak weren't even proper English. Precious is 16/17 years old and she can't even read or write properly!
So many things going on. It's so sad. D:
When she had her first child, it was on the kitchen floor! Her mother was kicking her. She was molested by her father since she was 3 and raped when she was 7. The novel is a novel, but I'm sure something like this is going on right now, at this very moment as I type out each letter in this entry of my blog. It's so heartbreaking to know. I feel so fortunate and a little angry because I never really realized how lucky I actually am. Lucky that I'm able to live under a roof with enough food, I have education and everything Precious didn't. I know this all sound so cliche, but it is truly how I feel after watching the movie.
It's so sad. Oh gosh. =(
A movie that you DEFINITELY HAVE to watch. I know the whole idea is so sickening, but it's such a powerful and strong movie. The acting was magnificent, of course. This film is a masterpiece, unbelievable. Even though the whole idea is so disturbing, it was worth it. I don't really know what to say...-sigh-
Of course, Avatar is a masterpiece, but this is another one of those great movies with wonderful acting and a powerful message. It is a masterpiece in a whole different way. MUST watch.
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