Saturday, March 20, 2010


Today is officially the first day of Spring Break! First morning and I woke up at 2:14pm. xD
Man, does this feel awesome or what?

Anyways, yesterday I watched The Proposal and rewatched Raise Your Voice! I also watched a bit of...something. Darn, I forgot. My memory is really dying. During this whole Spring Break, I will probably completely turn off my brains. xD So when it's time for school, I'm going to be so rusty!

Raise Your Voice, I absolutely love. I love the music in there. The movie in general was very inspiring. I love that guy 'Kiwi' and his drumming. Man, it was skillz! xD Like he would play these, DJ-ish techy music and start drumming on random stuff. What a cool music school! Electric violin sounds awesome. Anyhow, you should watch it, it's definitely awesome.

The Proposal was funny, of course. The plot turned somewhat sad-ish so then yeah, I went along with it. I am glad I did watch it. It was hilarious. xD Now, for my movie marathon to continue.


First morning of spring break is wonderful.
Adios Amigo! (I think I'll start saying that more from now on. =D)

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