Wednesday, March 17, 2010


First of all, I must announce that my sister FINALLY blogged! That totally took SO much weight off my shoulders. Now I can relax with ease. I feel like I have been TOO worried about all this. I guess it's just weird and unlike her to not let the family know how she's doing. Or maybe I'm just a little bit TOO paranoid about all this because I don't think anyone else is that excited...I've been stalking the Global Ed class' blogs to see if there's any news.

It was cold, so worried my sister didn't bring enough clothes. Plus, when they're camping in the Yurts. I KNOW for sure they will have to do their "business" in the wild and there will definitely be flies and probably wild animals. My sister isn't exactly the type of person fit for those things. She use to always complain even when we just go back. Plus, she gets scared so easily so I guess it's fine.

The picture on the left is Mongolia (hopefully). Wish I can find a night view one...-sigh- now I wish my sister brought her camera, but I needed it for English. She could've taken some wonderful night view pictures! Shame on me...

Fun fact I learned: The first person she ever shared a drink with is Mr. Matheny! Haha! When they got there at the more..rural area in Mongolia, they had to drink out of a bowl, this freshly milked milk thing so then my sister shared. xD There goes her first...

Well, a good thing about all this is I have taken over my sister's computer..officially! One more week left of this awesome wide screen and fast fast computer. While she suffers from the -25 degree celcius cold...that is.

Ah also, I finally finished Law Abiding Citizen yesterday! I forgot to mention that. And I believe taking a day off from school today definitely help my cold. I have less coughing now and just a little runny nose. The headache is slowly disappearing and I do feel much more energized. That's good because I'm hoping to watch Shutter Island on Sunday. I feel like I should watch it =) I haven't been to the theatres of ages. I still have to watch Alice in Wonderland 3D ):

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