Well, to be honest, I actually thought 3D might be better, but I guess not. I think maybe after visiting Hong Kong Disneyland's 4D and Ocean Park's 4D, my standards have raised again. I think it would be a REALLY awesome experience to watch the part where Alice falls down the hole in 4D, making you feel like you're actually falling. Well, I wasn't exactly sitting in the middle of the theatre, due to the large amount of people that filled up the theatre. It actually suprised me quite alot to see this many people still watching Alice in Wonderland since it has been out for quite a while.
I am quite disappointed in this movie actually. Once again, I believe my expectations for the movie was too high. The ending was something I wasn't very happy with. Johnny Depp suddenly dancing was VERY sudden and random, though amusing. I don't like how she just went back home and then started talking to each individual like saying how Hamish doesn't match her (which I don't mind), but I don't like how she starts talking to her sister saying she will have her own life. Her brother-in-law is lucky. The crazy old aunt should talk to someone. Her mom should feel assured because she will find something to do with her life. Then, she suddenly starts telling her dad they should trade with China! And suddenly, she became an apprentice (which is probably unlikely because I think that time period...women still don't sail? Isn't this time period very alike to the one of Pirates of the Caribbean? Where the women marries and then blah blah blah? They don't sail?). I felt that the ending was quite random! Aside from that, even if they stuck to that ending, I was hoping Johnny Depp would reappear on the ship as a sailor...letting her know he has followed her home and gave up being the Hatter. Of course, that's highly unlikely since this movie wasn't exactly romance from the start. Hey, I could only hope/wish. Well, I guess it's probably only me since it was Tim Burton, I though it might be darker and more of a twist. Of course, it didn't fail to entertain me since the movie was very enjoyable to watch, all that effect.
Anyways, I was just quite disappointed. The effects were awesome. I love the twins. I LOVE the Red Queen. Her blown up head and makeup is very cute! xD And yes, I pity her so much. Her whole life, everything was a lie, like the people around her. They all fear her and the man she thought that actually loved her turns out to be a backstabbing loser who tried to murder her in the end. Their parents favored her sister, everyone loved her sister. I love the Red Queen.
The White Queen. I personally love Anne Hatheway. I actually quite like the idea of how her makeup contradicts the whole whiteness of the whole palace. Her palace is so beautiful, the cherry blossom definitely stood out from the whole whiteness of the palace. So pure. It reminded me of the Snow Queen from Narnia!
The Red Queen's palace kind of reminded me of the academy in Soul Eater. Of course, nothing is the same, but I don't know, just the style.
It's funny how the White Queen pretends to be graceful and elegant in front of people, but when the dog came, she ended up running towards him and stopped twirling when no one was in sight.
I think you have to know about the original Alice in Wonderland to understand this movie. My idea of what's going on is:
The original Alice in Wonderland is the 'prequel'-ish story. Alice was there when she was a young child and she thought she was 'dreaming' which is why in the beginning of the movie, she thought she was dreaming and it was 'that dream' again (the one she took a nap outside and her sister went to wake her up). That's when the White Queen was still ruling, though it didn't show in the 1st Alice in Wonderland, and that's when Wonderland is still Wonderland. That's when she met the Hatter and had the first tea party and did all that. Now, in this Alice in Wonderland 3D movie, she once again returns there. The Red Queen has taken over, making it Underland. The Red Queen hates Alice because in the prequel (the storybook), although Alice helped her paint the white roses red, when they were playing that flamingo golf, Alice beat her? Well, Alice insulted her, but managed to escape...when the Red Queen wanted her head off.
Now, in the movie, to defeat the Red Queen, Alice has to slay the dragon thingy, Jabawockee? (xD), and she's the chosen one because she is able to visit this world and she has done most of these things before.
I guess that's what happened, but if it wasn't then I'm sad that Tim Burton missed out some stuff. I love the talking door and I wished the Catipillar did his famous smoke 'o's and vowel thing. That's kind of his signature thing, isn't it? They missed the signing flowers! And I LOVE the tea party when the Hatter and March Hare and the mouse started celebrating their very happy unbirthday day and sung that song, it's my favorite part! Well, that is..if the story and movie aren't related, if they are then ignore this list of complains. xD Making a movie is hard, so I do appreciate it.
Also, if the two is related, story and movie, then that means when Alice met the twins in the past..they wore that silly hat and were chubby and short and they wore those...farmer jean jumper suit thingy, now they don't wear that jumper thingy and grew bald and taller!
Hilarious thing I noticed was that they carried the White Queen's staircase in order for her to get on/off the horse. I find that very amusing because they're in the middle of the battlefield. Another thing I noticed and pyl pointed out was that Alice was tasting what the March Hare made and threw at her, she said it was salty and her threw salt right after.
What I LOVE a lot was Ceshire Cat of course. His eyes are so pretty. So cute and I just love how he evaporates and vanishes into thin air. So mysterious, magical and all that. I do wish he is more 'riddle-y' like how he was in the animation. Anyhow, I just love him. I still REALLY want that Off The Wall Alice in Wonderland shirt, but it's seriously too expensive for a T-shirt! -sigh- I don't think I will ever convince myself to buy it, even though I do have money, but after spending $55 on 2 CDs, I think I should lay low.
Ah. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Madhatter's hat! In the beginning, during the party-celebration. His hat had nothing on it, then, after being burnt...his hat has this tiny little sign that says 10%. I have always been staring, since the hatter first appeared, at that tiny little 10% sign. I find it so cute! xD I think it means that after being burnt, this is only 10% of the hat, it's not 100% anymore because if it's minus 10%, then it would say -10%.
Anyhow, the movie was enjoyable. The graphics was awesome, of course, it's awesome from Avatar in a different way. I'm not completely satisfied because I think some things could be done better. I'm glad I did manage to watch it though. Now I feel more 'complete', haha. Tim Burton is always as amazing. I just love him.
I'm so contradicting D:
I want to watch Clash of the Titans (SO BADLY!), How to Train a Dragon, The Bounty Hunter, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and much more. So going to be broke!
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