Anyways, I just came to blog about how I cut my own bangs again. I'm proud since I don't think I really mess them up. Well, you guys can judge on Monday. Anyways, even if I did mess up, at least it's not bothering me anymore. My bangs are growing way too fast and long. The ends curve up left because it sits on top of my glasses frames and having little bits of hair from my bang stick out bugs me a lot. Now it doesn't, but my bangs scatters. ==''
Man, I hate my hair, have I ever mentioned that?
I have SO less hair, it's not even funny. If you touch my head, you can only feel a REALLY thin layer of hair. -sigh- I was born with less hair and now I'm loosing more (yes, I spell loose with 2 'o's because I think it looks better that way, though I know it's wrong).
I feel my hair dying slowly, really, but you probably won't believe me. -sigh- It's also brown! Dark brown? I use to want to dye it, but then yeah. It's brown...o-o undyedly brown. Is undyedly even a word? My dead hair sucks. D:
Anyone want to buy me a wig? Joking.
A little piece of me.
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