-sigh- Where is everyone when I need them?

I hate the feeling of being really REALLY persistent. Makes me feel annoyed of myself and people tend to make me feel that when. Like when I'm talking to people on msn, they would stop replying all of a sudden, making me the one typing a lot...
Or when someone starts a conversation with me, then stops replying until 10 minutes later. Makes me really want to just stop talking for 10 minutes as in 'payback'. Or when people 'brb' and such for a long time and never come back and when they do come back, they have to leave. What's the point of replying or starting a conversation with me then?
I hate waiting for a reply. Especially when it's urgent.
Feels like I got no one to really talk to. Even when I talk to my sister, I can't tell her anything. Even when I talk to my closest friends, I still can tell them everything. There's always something I can't tell people and it's so hard to keep it in. -sigh-
The olympics still goes on and today, when I went to the mall, I saw so many tourists! How do I know they're tourists? Well, it was an asian mall and usually, the residents here do not go to asian malls and there were all these caucasian there, looking at stuff. It was so cool, seeing tourists coming HERE. Quite surreal to me.
Anyways, I kind of want to be like Dear John: Falling in love with just 2 weeks...har har! Like that's possible. I guess I should sit tight in my seat and wait till next year's transfer student. Perhaps there might be a European guy in there somewhere. -waits waits waits-
Aside from that, I have been stalking Westlife and I found out there music is quite good. Some are too 'corny' sounding for me-ish. I guess it's quite good. Or maybe it's not the music, it's the MVs that are in a way, very corny, to me.
Well, the person I'm completely in love with right now, after stalking, is JOSH GROBAN. His voice is so amazing. I'm have fallen in love just hearing his voice in 'We Are The World 25 For Haiti'
Because I can't embed 'We Are The World - Various Artist', here is the link:
[Josh Groban starts 1:51 to 2:01 xD]
Dude listen to Josh Groban's "So She Dances" and "To Where you Are"