Saturday, December 31, 2011

Friday, December 30, 2011

yes, another new obsession

was introduced to something nice to sleep to :) thanks.
definitely an amazing person.  at the moment, i am going through all his songs (almost) and just being the creep i kind of am. muahaha xD
should probably not sleep at 4am today so i can wake up in time to go out and come home to do some sort of work (like work on and finish my art stuff!).
Waiting For Godot tomorrow! so excited!

thanks you guys, for the awesome time today :) Honestly haven't had friends over for more than a year! ever since the okonomiyaki trial stuff? anyways, come over again. haha!

night, world.

Monday, December 26, 2011

get back on track

although there's still new years, now that christmas has passed...i realized how little time i have left!
 need to really get to my applications and my homework. argh, H.I and Japanese stuff. Not to mention, start my English reading... no more slacking!

 ahem, who am i kidding? I will probably slack until new years over until i get my game back on.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Saturday, December 24, 2011

christmas eve

thank you for everything. been about 2 years now! almost. have been rereading my old entries and realized i was pretty sarcastic back then...and lame. i also seem to listen to the same music, or recently, have been going back. definitely listening to more english songs now compared to my asian kpop fanatic moments and my jap crazed phase. of course, i still love anime SO much, but just had to stop for school. not that it helped A LOT on my focus on studies, but it sure made some differences. --- today is the end of the one month and a half. or so we decided. thank yous for everything. seriously. the one month or one month and a half means everything to me. definitely no regrets. ever. :) [should really take a picture of my tiffany's]

Friday, December 23, 2011

Monday, December 19, 2011

Got my first Tiffany's

seeing the famous, signature blue box, my heart skipped a beat.
best birthday gift ever? i think so.
i love you, thank yous so much.

favorite scene.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

17 for a day

Been 17 for a day.
Champagne birthday and i must say, it ain't too bad.... :)
shocked that i ended up spending the day before my birthday, the day of my birthday, and the day after my birthday the way i did.  and the people i ended up spending them with.  or, the two people i spent them with.

anyways, thank yous.
definitely a memorable birthday.

smashing pumpkins.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

6 hours is enough

since i have been sleeping for about 3-4 hours for the past few weeks, last night's accidental 6 hours just killed me today. way too tired and totally crashed in math.
farewells, math quiz.  you are so bombed.

daddy is home now! he's jetlagging while i'm falling asleep.
tutor at 7:15 so i can't sleep.
tok due 11:59...thinking i might hand it in late?

feeling so messed.

i. am. so. dead.

Monday, December 12, 2011

such a

such a jealous person. such a despicable, cunning manipulator. such a selfish, self-centered brat.  such a drama queen, a sore loser, and excuse-maker upper.  such a fake person.  such a dark, twisted person.  such a horrific, disgusting thing.  such a pretender. such a liar.  such a messed up person. such a wanabe.  such a self-pitying monster.  such a weirdo.  such a attention seeker.  such a reliant, clingy person.  such a pushy leech.
such a...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

been forever since...

i wake up from bed naturally because of the sunlight kissing my face x)
i showered and brushed me teeth and every with the day as my lighting
i wake up to find some food i just need to reheat and chill watching himym
i turned off my cellphone, closed skype & msn, and just sat on my chair doing homework
no music, just the sound of that occasional airplane flying by outside

had the sunset shining on my homework, making me feel like working some more
turned on my cell to find a few messages

been a while since i have been out of love. think i'm finally letting go...
not that he's not important to me anymore...but finally free :) -- about time i take a break from guys.

thank you for your 4 hour phone call with me

2 weeks? probably 3 weeks now...
you've spent 3 weeks on me. talking on the phone, texting, msning, and hanging out with me.
don't know what to say or how to say what i feel.
i thank you for that 5 hour phone call that broke all my records.
and for being there to comfort me.
for listening to my rants about nothing.
for worrying about me.
for the legit compliments i just keep denying.
for being awesome.
for being the best, for being you.
and laughing at my awful jokes.

one of the best things in my life to have known you.

Friday, December 9, 2011

liking Lydia Paek :)

daddy coming back next week.  hopefully things will change for the better?
of course, i won't get my hopes up too much.

you don't read this, but thank you for being by my side for the past 2 weeks,
putting up with my baby-ness and just spending almost everyday with me.
i would be tired of me if i were you,
seeing my face every day and then listening to me on the phone
then texting me and msning me.
oh my gosh, you have done so much. thank you :)

and childhood friend coming to visit tomorrow! quite excited to see him again,
hopefully it's not the last before we graduate.

Monday, December 5, 2011


I love this whole Coraline style ~ :) looking forward to ParaNorman.

Friday, December 2, 2011

got to hang out with a best friend

walked around, ate, semi-shopped, and walked around.

then spontaneously decided to watch a film.
bussed, bought tickets, waited for over an hour walking around.
a star and a moon :D
sat around, talked.

went in, watched Immortals.
little too bloody.
waiting outside for bus. talked some more.
talked on bus-ish.

transferred bus, got a text.
sitting in the bus.
listening to music, waiting for my stop.
got off the bus, made a call to new friend - asleep.
made another call.
semi-talked while gaming and walking home.
walked home.