dad woke me up about 530pm so i'm up now!
he made fish soup noodle!! i totally miss it!
this is actually one of the best time he has ever made this. normally, you suppose to use a real fish...this special fish, and then every bone is suppose to be plucked out (which takes hours!) ...
and my dad never had the patience to really learn it so he would buy one of those kind of pre-made seasoning stuff to make it.
i only get to eat this when i'm in china and the cooking lady makes it for us, along with my aunt.
--my mom would always try and invite my godmother over to have some :D
i totally love this! and this other food from our family recipe.
a few years ago, i realized they're both originated from Burma! :) since my dad's side of the family lived in Burma for some time.
just wanted to share something about me family history :D
oh and Mr. , i did go on msn...just at 3am in the morning... x . x''
i try and waited till about 7am and gave out to my sleepiness...